This is not a movie depicting the new Italian kingdom in the 19th century , it`s an absolutely true story about the struggle against the Sicilian Mafia. In 1925 Mussolini, who came to power 3 years ago, sent Cesare Mori/1872-1942/ to Sicily, as a police prefect, with the task of whiping the Mafia out.The Fascist regime was concerned about its power and influence, so the following 4 years entered the history as the time of the "Iron Prefect", who arrested and convicted over 2 000 mafiosi. His brave struggle ended in 1929, when he was dismissed and appointed senator in Rome, mainly because he attacked high-ranking Fascist officials, who were deeply involved with the Mafia. They proved to be too powerful to struggle against and Mori lost the war after winning so many battles /including the conviction of don Vito Cascio Ferro, the first known Capo di tutti Cappi/
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